"The Donald Trump Show" is a 3 3/4" limited edition (non-articulated) hand cast resin figure that comes fully carded with artwork produced by Jonathan Stephens / TIMEBANDITS. Art toy collectors and bootleg seekers will not want to miss out on this one!
This is a TIMEBANDITS (@timebandits__ & @jstephensdesign) joint collabo project with ToddAction (@topo1622 Todd Anderson - Toy Maker/Customizer) and sculpted by the brilliant David Arshawsky (@turtlemilkstudios). "The Donald Trump Show" is the first figure of a new series of custom art toys we plan on releasing. Be sure to follow all of us on IG so you can see what we're dropping next!
Cardback Commentary: Hi All, I'd like to provide some clarity around "The Donald Trump Show" art toy. This piece is not in support of Trump or any other candidate. You may not be able to see the details in the cardback artwork in some of the pics but you will in person. This a satirical critique of the entire political circus and the times we live in. There are also some hints and Easter eggs that play on a powerful invisible government controlling the election process (the Illuminati Man looming over Trump, Bread & Circus Casino & Hotel, MSM, pop culture billboards of misdirected distractions, etc). Join the awakened party and #letskeepfreedompopular.
Each art toy is hand made locally in Los Angeles, California. This is not a toy for children to play with. It is a very delicate limited edition art piece. Please display and handle with care.